W300D Wireless-N ADSL2+ Router
keyboard).Make sure thi
s setting is the same
for all devices in your wireless network.
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is the
method for secure wireless data
transmission. WEP adds data encryption to
every single packet transmitted in the
wireless network. The 40bit and 64bit
encryption are the same because of out 64
bits, 40 bits are private. Conversely, 104
and 128 bit are the same. WEP uses a
common KEY to encode the data. Therefore,
all devices on a wireless network must use
the same key and same type of
encryption. There are 2 methods for
entering the KEY; one is to enter a 16-bit HEX
digit. Using this method, users must enter a
10-digit number (for 64-bit) or 26-digit
number (for 128-bit) in the KEY field. Users
must select the same key number for all
devices. The other method is to enter a text
and let the computer generate the WEP key
for you. However, since each product use
different method for key generation, it might
not work for different products. Therefore, it