Instruction Manual: evolution 5000 E57xx DSNG and DENG Voyager Encoder Index-7
transport stream id option, 4-23
ts pkts/UDP frm option, 4-88
TT7000 system manager, 4-29
tx bandwidth factor option, 4-81, 4-84
tx bandwidth option, 4-81, 4-84
type of service option, 4-89
universal time co-ordinate (UTC), 4-27
universal time co-ordinate (UTC) offset option, 4-27
keyboard (softkeys), 4-13
upconverter power option, 4-85
upgrade encoder
licence key, 4-28
upgrade encoder option, 4-28
user configurations, 4-119
user interface, 1-16
UTC. See universal time co-ordinate (UTC)
VBI. See vertical blanking interval (VBI)
vbi in picture, 1-13
VBI in picture option, 4-47
vbi in pid, 1-14
VBI line ‘n’ option, 4-48
VBI on PID option, 4-46
VBI PID option, 4-46, 4-102
VBI structure implemented by TANDBERG for 525-line
systems, 4-50
VBI structure implemented by TANDBERG for 625-line
systems, 4-51
vbi user data, 1-14
VBR mode option, 4-39
ventilation, 2-6
version option, 4-69
vertical blanking interval (VBI)
data formats, 1-14
line number range, 1-14
menu, 4-46
vertical interval time code (VITC), 4-49
vibration and shock, B-18
analogue video input module
specification, B-4
bit-rate, 1-9
coding resolution
and bit-rate, 1-10
composite analogue, 1-8
encoding, 1-8
encoding functions, 1-8
fault-finding, 6-9
index, 4-49
types, 1-8
inputs, 1-8
composite (PAL/NTSC), 1-8
serial digital, 1-8
error detection and handling (EDH), 2-13
test pattern, 1-8
serial (SDI), 1-6, 1-8
source, 4-11, 4-13
video bandwidth option, 4-35
video encoder menu, 4-36
video input option, 4-31
video locked option, 4-34
video menu, 4-31
video option, 4-102
video parameters, 4-31
video programming system (VPS), 4-49
video source, 4-31
VPS (line 16) option, 4-47
meaning of, vi
web browser
cloning a file, 5-11
how to set up internet explorer, 5-3
option 1, build info, 5-6
option 10, fault reporting, 5-11
option 2, tools, 5-7
option 3, customer support, 5-9
option 4, front panel (TANDBERG TV only), 5-9
option 5, backplane, 5-9
option 6, licenced features, 5-10
option 7, SNMP MIBS, 5-10
option 8, encoder errors, 5-11
option 9, event log, 5-11
options, 5-6
west east option, 4-78
what to do if overflow occurs, 3-17
wide screen signalling (WSS), 4-49, 4-51
wire colour code, 2-7, 2-10
WSS (line 23) option, 4-48
xlr expander card option, 3-18