ISP Settings
Please collect the following information from your ISP before setting up
the Barricade:
• ISP account user name and password
• Protocol, encapsulation and VPI/VCI circuit numbers
• DNS server address
• IP address, subnet mask and default gateway (for fixed IP users only)
Connect the System
The Barricade can be positioned at any convenient location in your office
or home. No special wiring or cooling requirements are needed. You
should, however, comply with the following guidelines:
• Keep the Barricade away from any heating devices.
• Do not place the Barricade in a dusty or wet environment.
You should also remember to turn off the power, remove the power cord
from the outlet, and keep your hands dry when you install the Barricade.
Connect the ADSL/Cable Modem Line
Con nec t t he A DS L/c able mod em u sing a CAT- 5 Eth er net c able (RJ -4 5)
to the Barricade’s WAN port. Use straight through cable for this
connection. The modem is connected to the ADSL line and/or splitter.
When inserting the RJ-45 plug, be sure the tab on the plug clicks into
position to ensure it is properly seated.