| WAN Configuration
ADSL Settings
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ADSL TONE DSL technology employs a discrete multi-tone apparatus over standard
wired telephone lines. Tone levels can be masked to avoid overlap,
crosstalk and help echo cancellation. ADSL is a duplexed signal that allows
doubling of the standardized discrete multi-tone (DMT) system that uses
256 “tones” that are each 4.3125 kHz wide in the forward (downstream)
direction. The ATIS (Alliance For Telecommunications Information
Solutions) Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Lines standard allows a total of
512 subchannels or “tones.” Each of these can be masked.
Figure 31: Tone Mask
The following items can be enabled on this page:
◆ Tone number — The number of the tone (subchannel).
(Range: 0~511)
◆ Select — Selects the tone to mask.
◆ Apply Changes — Clicking “Apply Changes” masks the specified tones.
◆ Mask All — Masks all tones, 0-511.
◆ UnMask All — Un-masks all checked tones.
◆ Close Page — Closes the pop-up window and returns to the main