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Select the wash cycle and options desired. Or press START to
use the same cycle and options as the previous cycle.
NOTE: If the last cycle you completed was a rinse cycle, the
dishwasher will run the last full wash cycle and options that you
selected when you press Start.
A "0" shows what steps are in each cycle.
Temperatures indicate where extra heat is added.
Water usage is shown in U.S. gallons/liters.
Use this cycle for all
day-to-day soil types
when washing full to
partial dishloads, During Use both detergent
the cycle, the sensors dispenser sections when
will determine water washing a full soiled
temperature, wash time, dishload.
and water amount
based on the soil level
and the dishload size.
During the main wash, Use one detergent
the wash action will dispenser section when
repeatedly pause for washing lightly soiled
several seconds, partial dishloads.
Dish- Soil Wash Main Rinse Rinse Final Dry Mini- Water
load Level Wash or Heated mum Usage
Sensed Purge Rinse Time (gaUL)
Full • • • • • • 101" 8.8-t0.1/
Heavy 140°F 140°F 33,3-38,2
(65°C) (6O°C)
• • • • • 93* 6.9/26.1
Light 130°F t40°F
(s4oc) (6ooc)
Par- • • • • • 93* 6.9-8=4/
tial Heavy 130°F 140°F 26.1-31.8
(s4oc) (6ooc)
• • • • • 68* 5.9/22.3
Light 120°F Purge 140°F
(49°0} (6O°C)
Use this cycle for hard-
to-clean, heavily-soiled
pots, pans, casseroles,
and regular tableware. Use both detergent
dispenser sections.
Wash Main Rinse Rinse Final Dry Minimum Water
Wash Heated Time Usage
Rinse (rain} (gaUL}
• • • • • 89* 6.9-10.4/
130°F 140°F 140°F 26.1-39.4
(S4°C) (6O°C) (6O°C)
Use this cycle for loads
with normal amounts
of food soil. (The
energy-usage label is Use both detergent
based on this cycle.) dispenser sections.
During the main wash,
the wash action will
repeatedly pause for
several seconds.
Wash Main Rinse Rinse Final Dry Minimum Water
Wash Heated Time Usage
Rinse (rain) (gaUL)
• • • • • 90* 6.9_10.1/
130°F 140°F 26.1-38.2
(S4°C) (6O°C)
Use this cycle for china
and crystal. This cycle
uses a light wash and
gentle dry. During the Use main detergent
heated dry, the heating dispenser section.
element cycles on and
Main Rinse Rinse Final Dry Minimum Water
Wash or Purge Heated Time Usage
Rinse (rain) (gaUL)
• • • • 71" 5.9-8.4/
120°F Purge 135°F cycled 22,3-31,8
(49°C) (57°C)