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SCEPTRE E165 Series LED HDTV User Manual
For universal remotes, this TV follows SONY’s universal remote code.
You need to find the actual code from your cable or satellite or universal
remote provider.
1. POWER – Turns the TV on or off.
2. SOURCE – Press this button to cycle through the INPUT source.
3. CC – Cycles between different closed captioning modes.
4. MTS – Selects stereo, mono, or second audio programming.
5. MUTE – Turns the sound off from the TV. To un-mute either press VOL(+) or press the MUTE
button again.
6. NUMBER BUTTONS (0-9) – Press 0-9 to select a TV channel directly when you are watching TV.
The channel will change after 2 seconds.
7. (-) – Inserts the dash for selecting digital channels directly.
8. R – Returns to the previous channel.
9. GUIDE – Opens the current digital channel information guide (antenna only).
10. INFO – Shows the display info.
11. ▲/▼/◄/►/ENTER – These directional buttons allow you to move around in the TV’s menu.
Press the ENTER button when you want to select a particular option.
12. MENU – Brings up the main TV menu on the screen.
13. EXIT – Exit the main TV menu on the screen.
14. VOL(+)/VOL(-) – Press the VOL buttons to increase or decrease the sound level.
15. ASPECT – Press this button to change the picture’s cropping method.
16. FREEZE – Press this button to freeze current picture.
17. SLEEP – Turns the TV off in a specific set of time dependent on your selection.
18. FAVORITE – Gives you your list of favorite channels.
19. ADD/DEL – Adds or Deletes current channel from the favorite list.
20. FAV(-) – Press this button to change to the previous favorite channel.
21. FAV(+) – Press this button to change to the next favorite channel.
22. PICTURE – Selects various preset picture settings.
23. SOUND - Selects various preset sound settings.
24. TV – This button select the source TV.
25. USB – Launches the USB reader function for the pictures and music.
The following are buttons used only on the Sceptre Sound Bar.
1. S. source – This button changes the signal source of the Sound Bar.
2. S. mode – This button changes the sound mode of the Sound Bar.
3. S. vol(-) – This button decreases the volume of the Sound Bar.
4. S. vol(+) – This button increases the volume of the Sound Bar.
The following are buttons used only on Sceptre 3D HDTVs.
1. RED A – This button changes the video from 2D to 3D
2. GREEN B – This button changes the picture from 3D to 2D if you are playing a 3D
signaled video.
3. YELLOW C – This button changes the 3D effect on pivoting the picture to the left
or right.
4. BLUE D –This button can show/hide the the 3D channel list.