1. Mic Gain:
Adjusts the internal microphone‘s input.
2. Pad Switch:
Via this switch the microphone‘s gain can be decreased by 10. This way it is possible to achieve distortion-free recordings in
extremely loud surroundings, such as live concerts.
3. Low Cut:
When activated (switch is positioned to the right), especially deep frequencies (80 Hz) that may not be unwanted for certain
recordings (vocals), will not be recorded.
4. Status LED:
This LED is illuminated when the sPod is properly connected to a computer.
5. Headphones Volume:
Adjusts the headphones volume at the output (7).
6. USB Port
7. 3.5 mm Headphones Output
Microphone recordings:
- Connect the sPod to your computer using the included USB cable. Open your favoured audio software and select the sPod
as input device.
- Select the desired level at the microphone (1).
- Connect your headphones and select the output volume (5).
- Start your recording.
Please visit www.audacity.de to download a free recording software.
Voltage: DC, 5.0V
S/N Ratio: 59 dB
Sensitivity: -46 dB
Frequency Range: 50 Hz – 18 kHz
Weight: 485 g
Compatible with: WIN2000/XP/VISTA/7/MAC OSX