Local screen failure
The Plasma Display Panel unit may develop a failure, where the symptom is
localized in a particular area of the screen. The figure below can help localize the
circuit board that is most likely to be defective. In the example in figure 34, one
of the two boards, C3 and D2 is likely to be the cause.
Figure 34
Service Hints
Symptom: No picture (black Screen)
v Suggestion: The use of a magnifying glass can help localize the defective
printed circuit board. Use the
magnifying glass to take a close
look at the pixels of the screen.
1. If the pixels are totally dark, the
defect is most likely located in
one of the following boards:
a) SC-Board
b) SU-Board
c) SD-Board
1. Check the status of the LED located on the SC-Board; if the LED is dark, a
malfunction of the SC-Board is suspected.
Figure 35