BumpBack™ Woofer Magnet
Niles engineers have utilized a unique
motor construction enabling far greater
“throw” or voice coil excursion. This
allows a high level of bass performance to
be achieved.
Moisture Resistant Construction
The PR loudspeakers are suitable for use
in high moisture environments. The driv-
ers are impervious to moisture; the grille
is made of powder-coated aluminum, and
all exposed hardware is made of stain-
less steel. However, the speakers are not
waterproof and direct contact with water
should be avoided.
Absolutely Flush to the Wall
The unique mounting system of the PR
loudspeakers powerfully clamps the frame
to the bracket, sandwiching the wall mate-
rial between them. Because the clamping
action is totally uniform around the frame,
there are no shadows or gaps between the
wall and the frame. Additionally, the Niles
mounting system is carefully optimized to
stiffen the surrounding drywall and pre-
vent it from resonating. You hear only the
music, not the drywall.
Easy Retrofit Installation in your
Existing Home
Designed for ease of installation, the Niles
mounting system makes retrofit installa-
tions simple and fast. A supplied template
assures fast and accurate hole cutting. The
bracket slips behind the drywall and the
screws secure the frame to the bracket,
sandwiching the drywall between them.
The speaker baffle attaches to the frame,
and the grille mounts over the speaker.
Three Stage Installation System for
Remodels or New Construction
You install only the parts you need for
a particular stage of construction. When
the framing and wiring are finished, you
install the bracket. After the drywall is up,
but before the painter begins to paint, you
install the frame and provide the rustproof
aluminum grilles to the painter so that they
can be painted to match the surroundings.
Only when construction is completely fin-
ished do you put the valuable speaker in
the wall. You don’t have to mask or prep
the speaker for painting, and worries about
theft during the final phases of construction
are never an issue!
Low Diffraction, MicroPerf™
Aluminum Grilles
PR speakers include aluminum grilles. The
painted aluminum grille has hundreds of
precisely sized perforations, creating an
acoustically transparent grille.
Infrared Sensor Mount
The speaker baffle has a locator designed
for the Niles MS110 MicroSensor
, a min-
iature infrared sensor. The MS110 installs
discreetly behind the aluminum grille
and therefore minimizes wall clutter in
your home. When you want to control
your equipment, you simply point your
remote control at the speaker from up to
15 feet (5 meters) away.
Features and Benefits
Installation Considerations
Recommended Amplifier Power
For satisfactory performance, we recom-
mend an amplifier with a power rating of
ten to one hundred watts for the PR5; and
ten to one hundred twenty-five watts for
the PR6. Curiously, most speakers are not
damaged by large amplifiers but by small
amplifiers. If your system is playing loud-
ly, a small amplifier will run out of power
very quickly. When an amplifier runs out
of power it creates damaging “clipping”
distortion. A large amplifier will play at the
same volume without distorting. See the
section on operating the speakers for more
information about clipping distortion.
Incorporating a Local Volume Control
In a multiroom system there is one indis-
pensible device for true convenience—a
local volume control. It allows you to
adjust the volume of the speakers without
leaving the room.
Plan to wire the system so that each pair
of speakers has its own volume control
built into the wall (think of a volume con-
trol as a dimmer switch for sound).
Niles makes a wide range of high perfor-
mance indoor and outdoor volume con-
trols. They are available in standard or
style cover plates (just like your
light switches and dimmers). Volume con-
trols are connected in line with the speak
Installation Considerations
Figure 1
Model HD8 Shown
New Construction Wings
Speaker Baffle
IR Knockout