VikinX Sublime Control Panels Rev. M
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Appendix A Materials declaration and recycling
A.1 Materials declaration
For product sold into China after 1st March 2007, we comply with the “Administrative
Measure on the Control of Pollution by Electronic Information Products”. In the first stage of
this legislation, content of six hazardous materials has to be declared. The table below
shows the required information.
Toxic or hazardous substances and elements
diphenyl ethers
All products referred to
in Chapter 1.1
O: Indicates that this toxic or hazardous substance contained in all of the homogeneous materials for this part is
below the limit requirement in SJ/T11363-2006.
X: Indicates that this toxic or hazardous substance contained in at least one of the homogeneous materials used
for this part is above the limit requirement in SJ/T11363-2006.
This is indicated by the product marking:
A.2 Recycling information
Nevion provides assistance to customers and recyclers through our web site
http://www.nevion.com/. Please contact Nevion’s Customer Support for assistance with
recycling if this site does not show the information you require.
Where it is not possible to return the product to Nevion or its agents for recycling, the
following general information may be of assistance:
Before attempting disassembly, ensure the product is completely disconnected from
power and signal connections.
All major parts are marked or labeled to show their material content.
Depending on the date of manufacture, this product may contain lead in solder.
Some circuit boards may contain battery-backed memory devices.