WNHDE111 5GHz Wireless-N HD Access Point/Bridge User Manual
Customizing Your Wireless Network 5-3
v1.1, May 2008
Using the DHCP Server
For most applications, the default DHCP and TCP/IP settings of the WNHDE111 are satisfactory.
Click the link to the online document “TCP/IP Networking Basics” in Appendix B for an
explanation of DHCP and information about how to assign IP addresses for your network.
By default, the DHCP server of WNHDE111 is disabled. You can enable it to assign IP, DNS
server, and default gateway addresses to all computers connected to the LAN. The assigned default
gateway address is the LAN address of the router. The router assigns IP addresses to the attached
computers from a pool of addresses specified in this screen. Each pool address is tested before it is
assigned to avoid duplicate addresses on the LAN.
Specify the pool of IP addresses to be assigned by setting the starting IP address and ending IP
address. These addresses should be part of the same IP address subnet as the router’s LAN IP
Wireless Repeating (Also Called WDS)
The Wireless-N AccessPoint/Bridge can be used with a wireless access point (AP) to build large
bridged wireless networks. Wireless repeating is a type of Wireless Distribution System (WDS).
To use WDS, the following conditions must be met for all APs:
• The APs must use the same SSID, wireless channel, and encryption mode.
• The APs must be on the same LAN IP subnet. That is, all the AP LAN IP addresses are in the
same network.
Warning: If two DHCP servers in a network are configured to give out conflicting
addresses, the network will crash an none of the devices on the network will
be able to use it until one of the DHCP servers is removed from the network.
Be sure to avoid DHCP server conflicts with the DHCP server in your router
by having them manage different address ranges in the same subnet.
Warning: If you use the wireless repeating function, your options for wireless security
are limited to None or WEP. For more information about wireless security, see
Chapter 4, “Securing My Wireless.” Also, if the WPA security option is
enabled, the WDS Enable checkbox is hidden.