Advanced Settings
In the IPv6 screen, when you select Fixed from the drop-down list, the following screen
The following fields are included in this screen:
IPv6 Fixed WAN Setup
IPv6 Address/Prefix Length. The IPv6 address and prefix length of the router's WAN
Default IPv6 Gateway. The
IPv6 address of the default IPv6 gateway, which is supposed to
be on the router's WAN interface.
Primary/Secondary DNS Server.
The DNS servers that resolve IPv6 domain name records
for you. If these fields are not specified, the router uses the DNS server configured for the
IPv4 Internet connection on the Internet Settings screen. (See Internet Setup o
n page 27.)
IP Address Assignment. Y
ou can select how you want to assign IPv6 addresses to the
devices on your home network (the LAN). You can use either DHCP Server or Auto Config to
assign IPv6 address. Using DHCP Server might pass more information to LAN devices, but
some IPv6 systems might not support the DHCv6 client function. Auto Config is used by
IPb6 Fixed LAN Setup
IPv6 Address/Prefix Length. The IPv6 address and prefix length of the router's LAN