Program 13: Ringing Time Delay setting……..…....…15
Program 14: Class of services…………………………16
Program 15: Restriction code A……………..…………17
Program 16: Restriction code B…………..……………17
Program 17: Open code C……………..…….…………17
Program 18: Open code D…………………………...…18
Program 19: PBX-via-PBX Outgoing code……….……18
Program 20: Walking Account code setting….....………19
Program 22: Extension setting #1…………………....…20
Program 23: Extension setting #2………………....……20
Program 24: Pickup group assignment…………………21
Program 25: Manager/Secretary Call Group………...…21
Program 26: System Program password……………..…22
Program 27: Setting Operators………………....………22
Program 28: Re-set System………….………....………22
Program 29: Flexible Extension Numbring…….………23
Program 34: Review password of extension lock....……23
4. Station Operation……………………….... .... .... .... ....………24
5. Troubleshooting……………………….... .... .... .... .... ....……26
5.1 System down…………………………………...………26
5.2 Station Dial Tone Faults………………………....…..…26
5.3 CO Line Dial Tone Faults……………….... .... .………26