With the initial gain control ❶ at maximum, and with no control input, the VCA will pass with unchanged amplitude
any signal presented to its signal input. On the other hand, with the initial gain control at minimum, no signal will
pass through the amplifier at all unless some positive signal level (the VCA does not respond to negative control
signals) is present at one or both of its control inputs.
❷ The first control input has linear sensitivity; the gain of the amplifier in response to a signal at this input is S/10
(i.e. dividing the signal level by 10 will give the gain factor). The second control input has exponential sensitivity; the
gain of the amplifier in response to a signal at this input will equal 10dBv.
There are two audio signal inputs to the VCA
❸. The default connections to these are from the VCF and the Ring
Modulator. Inserting a patch cord automatically disconnects the default signal.
The default signal at the linear control input is from the AR Envelope Generator, and at the exponential input is from
the ADSR Envelope Generator. Inserting a patch cord automatically disconnects the default signal.
Pan and Reverb
Pan Control ❶
The Pan Control takes its input from the jack just below the horizontal pan slider. Normally, this signal comes from
the mixer. Centered, the Pan feeds its input signal equally to the left and right channel outputs; moving the slider left
or right shifts the signal balance accordingly between the two output channels.
Reverb Unit ❷
The input to this unit is the rightmost jack in the row that runs across the middle of the panel. By default, it carries the
mixer output. The output jack, to its upper right, provides a 100% wet signal from the reverb, at a fixed level. (There
are interesting patches that subject this signal to further processing via the Ring Modulator or the Envelope Follower,
for example.) The two sliders adjust the wet-dry mix fed to each output channel.