Brass 2
Mixed Brass section comprising of trombone, sax and trumpets.
Brass B Revised
The ‘tron’s most famous brass in its ultimate extremely fat and powerful version.
This favorite of King Crimson was originally played by Reg Kirby, the cellist who performed on classic tracks such as ‘Eleanor Rigby’.
The first five notes are actually a Double Bass because Reg refused to retune his instrument to these notes during the recording
of this Tape Bank.
Cello & Strings
A mixture of the above cello sound and a strings Tape Bank.
Chamberlin Harp 1
Fabulous harp rolls from a Chamberlin.
Note: There are only 24 notes in this Tape Bank.
Chamberlin Harp 2
An assortment of superb harp glissandos that conjure up those immortal words...”Through the round window” Note: There are only
25 notes in this Tape Bank
Chamberlin Voice
An ethereal solo female voice. Note: There are only 30 Notes in this Tape Bank.
Choir 1
Male choir taken from an M400 belonging to a very famous band!
Choir 2
M400 female choir
Choir 3
M400 boys choir.
Choir Chords
Recorded at St Peter’s Church, Caversham, these offer some interesting major and minor choir chords.
Church Organ & Choir
The mighty St.John’s Wood pipe organ in combination with the 70’s most famous female and male voices. Hallelujah!
Self-explanatory really.
Classical Choir
This unique solemn choir (six males/two females) sounds like the Russian State Choir.
Combined Brass
One of the Bradleys’ early 1980’s recordings, combining several brass versions to a mighty blend. Rare.
Double Bass
Although this was found on a Tape Bank, it’s rumored that this was made-to-order and as such is very rare.