Using the MFP menus
The menu does not appear unless a wireless card is installed.
Path Defines the path name. text entry For example:
The following characters or symbols
are invalid entries for a path name:
* — asterisk
: — colon
? — question mark
< — less than symbol
> — greater than symbol
| — vertical bar
Base file name Specifies the base file name.
A timestamp is added to the
end of the base file name.
text entry
The default value is the following
Note: There is a 53-character limit for
the base file name. The following
characters or symbols are invalid:
* — asterisk
: — colon
? — question mark
< — less than symbol
> — greater than symbol
| — vertical bar
A time stamp is added to the end of
the base file name.
Web Link text entry Example:
Menu item Values
Mode Infrastructure
Ad hoc
Network Name list of available network names
print server*
Menu item Purpose Values and descriptions