Creation and Editing of Headers/Footers
This is the creation and editing of the headers/footers that print or display the company name, logo, or other
information at the top and bottom of the printing paper or acquired image.
The factory default is the registration of only the date/time stamp in the Copyboard.
Updating the header/footer information that was created with TOOLBOX and setting the header/footer function
to “Enable” permits the same information to always be printed, saved in USB memory, or displayed in the trans-
fer images sent to the personal computer.
Creation and editing may be performed even when there is no connection with the Copyboard.
Names and Functions of the Screen Parts
Clicking [Setup] → [Header/Footer] on the TOOLBOX menu will display the “Header/Footer” screen.
• Header/Footer Editor
New button
Click this to create new headers and footers. This will open the “Header/Footer Editor”.
Edit button
Click this to edit the header/footer file (having an .hfd extension) that is saved in the personal computer.
Selecting the header/footer file with the “Open file” screen of the personal computer will open the “Header/Footer Editor”.
Header edit box /
Footer edit box
This inserts the text or diagrams of the headers and footers. To switch the input of the headers and footers, click a location
other than the text box or image box and the header/footer selection cursor will move.
Tool button
Save as The “Save as” screen of the personal computer will open.
Overwrite This is used to overwrite the editing content. When the pre-edited file is not open, the icon will be displayed in gray and
selection will not be possible.
Undo This returns the edited content in order from the prior operation (for up to two cycles).
Redo This executes again in order the operations that were returned with “Undo”.
Delete This deletes the selected diagram/image or text box.
Dark blue frame: Header/footer selection cursor
Header/Footer Editor
Text Editor Screen