KIP Unattend Operator Guide
This information is solely for use of KIP Personnel and KIP Authorized Dealers. No part of this publication may be copied,
reproduced or distributed in any form without express written permission from KIP America, Inc. © 2011 KIP America, Inc.
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Job Name/Number
User information identifying job name/number of the job(s) in print. (This information is derived from the
Request software.)
Additional user information identifying the job(s) in print. (This information is derived from the Request
software.) When files are simply dropped into the monitor path(s) the files path is displayed in this
column. File sent via LPR will show the file name in this field.
This column will show the media type of the job(s) in print. If user(s) have requested a file using the
Request software, the media type requested will be shown.
# of Orig.
This column will show the number of originals of the job(s) in print.
# of Sets
This column will show the number of sets requested of the job(s) in print.