bizhub PRO C6000L 2-13
2.3 User Authentication in Enhanced Security Mode
% Press [A to Z], [Others], [Main], or [All] to select the desired address on the screen.
% Press [Search] to enter a search string. The search list will be displayed to allow you to select the
desired address.
% To register a new address, press [Address Register], then enter the desired address. Up to 64 al-
phanumeric characters can be entered. With a register name and reference name registered in com-
bination, that address can be readily found from the search result list when needed. Up to 24
alphanumeric characters including symbols can be entered for each of register name and reference
Press [OK] to return to the User Registration Screen.
16 Press [OK].
% When settings are completed, press [OK] on the User Registration Screen.
The User Authentication Setting Screen will be restored.
17 Select the key with the user number and user name to be changed.
18 Press [Change] to display the User Registration - Add/Change Screen.
% The user number cannot be changed.
19 To change the user name, press [User Name].