26 Chapter 3 The User Interface
The BASIC Window
FORM To make the square spine of the book, pressure is applied
to the spine. This process is called forming. Touch
FORM to specify the amount of spine form. To make a
good spine on different paper types, the amount of spine
form can be changed.
To change the amount of spine form
■ Touch NUMBER to change how many times the
spine is processed
■ Touch PRESSURE to change the pressure
- AUTO Touch AUTO to select the optimum amount of spine
form, according to the set thickness.
- NUMBER Touch NUMBER to select how many times the form
roller processes the spine. The available options are 1, 2,
3, or 4. The form function can be turned off. An increase
in NUMBER increases the time taken to form the spine
and can decrease the production rate for thin books.
Alternatively, increase the PRESSURE.
- PRESSURE Touch PRESSURE to increase or decrease the pressure
used to form the spine. Touch + to increase the amount of
spine form. Touch - to decrease the amount of spine form.
The range is -9 to +9. The default setting is 0.
- THRESHOLD The square spine is formed only on sets thicker than 0.8
mm. To change this value, touch THRESHOLD and
enter the value you need. The maximum value is 1.5 mm.
TRIM The trim dimension is calculated automatically
according to the PAPER SIZE and SET THICKNESS.
If needed, the trim dimension can be changed. Touch
TRIM to adjust the size of the finished book after the
fore-edge is trimmed. The maximum trim is 28 mm. The
trim function can be turned off.
- AUTO Touch AUTO to select the default trim position.
[9] The BASIC Window Buttons (2 – 2)
Button Information