C200 3-51
Assistant tool for C200
Common Setting - LDAP Server Setting
Specify the LDAP server settings.
LDAP Server Setting
Item Description
1-5 Shows the name of the registered LDAP server.
Click a box containing "---", indicating that the LDAP server has not yet been registered, to
display a page for registering the LDAP server.
To delete a registered LDAP server, select the check box for the LDAP server to be deleted,
and then click the [Delete] button.
Item Description
Server Name Type in the name of the LDAP server.
Range: Up to 16 characters
Characters that can be entered: Alphanumeric characters and symbols (space ! " # $ % & ' ~
= ¥ | ; : + * ` / ? ^ @ _ - . , ( ) [ ] { } < >)
Server Address Select the method (IP address/host name) for specifying the server address, and then type in
the address of the LDAP server.
IP address format: ***.***.***.***; Range for ***: 0 to 255
Host name range: Up to 64 characters
Characters that can be entered: Alphanumeric characters and symbols (! # $ % & ' ~ = | + * ` /
? @ _ - . { })