C200 3-44
Assistant tool for C200
If "User Box" was selected
Creating a user box
Item Description
Box Select When a box number range is selected in the top part of the page, the list of user box numbers
within the selected range appear in the bottom part of the page.
User Box No. Shows the user box number.
User Box Name Shows the user box name if a user box has been registered.
To create a user box, click a box that does not contain a name, indicating that a user box has
not yet been registered.
Item Description
User Box Name Type in the user box name.
Range: Up to 8 characters
Characters that can be entered: Alphanumeric characters and symbols (space ! " # $ % & ' ~
= ¥ | ; : + * ` / ? ^ @ _ - . , ( ) [ ] { } < >)
Type Select "F-Code" as the type of received document management to be performed.
Number Type in the number appropriate for the reception type.
Range: Up to 20 digits
Characters that can be entered: If "F-Code" was selected, numbers and symbols (# *)
Password Type in the password necessary for printing the document.
Range: Up to 20 digits
Characters that can be entered: Numbers and symbols (# *)
Retype Password For confirmation, type in the password again.
Range: Up to 20 digits
Characters that can be entered: Numbers and symbols (# *)
RX Doc. Settings Select "Memory RX", "Print", "Forward" or "Print & Forward" as the method for handling re-
ceived documents.