C200 10-7
Fax/Scan function troubleshooting
10.4.4 SMB file transmission
10.4.5 IP address fax transmission
ED0103 The server address is incorrect. Check that one character or more has been en-
tered for the IP address of the FTP server.
ED0201 A socket generation error occurred. Check the settings.
ED0202 The connection timed out. Check the status of the connection.
ED0203 A DNS error occurred. Check the DNS settings.
ED0204 Services cannot be used. Check that the destination FTP server is run-
ED0205 A different connection error occurred. Check the connection status and the settings.
ED0301 A transmission error occurred. Check the settings.
ED0302 A reception error occurred. Check the settings.
ED0303 The communication timed out. Check that the connection has not been inter-
ED0304 A different socket communication error oc-
Check the settings.
ED0401 There was a render failure. -
ED0501 The job was forcibly interrupted. Retransmit the interrupted job.
EDFFFF A different failure occurred. Check the connection status and the settings.
Error code Cause Action
Error code Cause Action
EE09C6 There was no response from the destination
Check that the address is correct, that the com-
puter is running, and that no errors have oc-
curred on the network.
EE09C7 Logon failed. Check that the user name and password are
EE09C8 The destination folder does not exist. Check that the destination folder has been cor-
rectly specified.
EE09C9 The destination hard disk is full. Check that there is enough free space on the
hard disk of the destination computer (SMB).
EE09CA The command timed out. Try sending again.
EE09CB Access to the specified folder is not permitted. Check that the destination folder is shared.
EE09CF The lower level modules have not been initial-
Turn the machine off, then on again.
EE0AC0 There was a render failure. -
Error code Cause Action
E5AXXX Since the DNS setting is incorrect, transmission
is not possible.
Check the DNS settings.
E6FXXX An attempt was made to send data that is too
large to be sent.
Even though scanning may have finished, it
may not be possible to send some documents.
Change the resolution to a 200 dpi or 200 ×
100 dpi setting.
E7XXXX SMTP authentication failed. Check the SMTP authentication account and
EAXXXX The LAN cable is not connected, or communi-
cation with the recipient's machine failed. Oth-
erwise, an attempt was made to send data to
the wrong recipient address.
Check that the LAN cable is correctly connect-
ed, that communication is possible with the re-
cipient's machine, that the network settings,
such as the subnet mask, are correct, and that
the recipient's e-mail address is correct.
EAX212 SMTP authentication request The SMTP authentication settings are valid.