IC-208 2-4
Precautions for installation
Select the page description language according to the application used for printing.
For details on fax drivers, refer to the User’s Guide [Fax Driver Operations].
Fax driver 32bit editions
Windows NT Workstation 4.0/Server 4.0 (Service Pack 6 or later)
Windows 2000 Professional/Server
(Service Pack 3 or later)
Windows XP Home/Professional
(Service Pack 2 or later)
Windows Server 2003 Standard
Windows Vista (All versions)
Windows Server 2008 (All versions)
Windows 7 (All versions)
64bit editions
Windows XP Professional
(Service Pack 2 or later)
Windows Server 2003
Windows Vista (All versions)
Windows Server 2008 (All versions)
Windows Server 2008 R2 (All versions)
Windows 7 (All versions)
Printer driver Page description
Supported operating systems