May 2000 1-3
Getting Help with Easy Print
Your dealer of KODAK products is the best source for information about
installing, configuring, and using Easy Print. Contact your dealer with any
questions you have.
For technical support in the US, call 1-800-23KODAK (1-800-235-6325)
between 9:00 a.m.and 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on regular
business days. Call this number for:
• help setting up or operating the printer
• service
• warranty information
• information about other KODAK products
The FAX back number for product literature is 1-800-508-1531. You may
call this number 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
Getting Help from Outside the United States
Help numbers for Canada, the Asia/Pacific, and European regions are
listed below.
Country Country code Helpline number
Australia 1-300-130-674
Belgium 32 02-713-14-45
Canada 1-800-465-6325
Denmark 45 3-848-71-30
Finland 35 0800-1-17056
France 33 01-55-1740-77
Germany 49 069-5007-0035
Hong Kong 54 852-2564-9777
Indonesia 65 65-470-9875
Ireland 353 01-407-3054
Italy 39 02-696-334-52
Korea 82 82-2-708-5400
Malaysia 60 3-757-2722
Netherlands 31 020-3469372
Norway 47 23-16-21-33
Philippines 63 63-2-810-0331
Portugal 44 44-0-131-458-6714