About This Gu
This preface provides the following guidelines for using the E-series™ Routing
Platforms ERX™ Hardware Guide:
Objectives on page xi
Audience on
page xi
E-series Routers on p ag e xii
Documentation Conventions on page xii
List of Tech
nical Publications on page xiii
Obtaining Docu mentation on page xvii
Documentation Feedback on page xvii
Support on page xviii
This guide p
rovides the information you nee d to install and start the E-series router.
An E-serie
s router is shipped with the latest system software installed. To install
a future release or reinstall the system software, see JUNOSe System Basics
Configuration Guide, Chapter 3, Installing JUNOSe Software.
NOTE: If th e
information in t h e latest JUNOSe Release Notes differs from the
information in this guide, follow the JUNOSe Release Notes.
This guid e is intended for experienced system and network special ists working with
E-series routers in an Internet access environment.
Audience xi