Problem Possible cause Solution
Specic types only: The Jet Clean
System has not cleaned the
shaver properly, because the
cleaning uid in the cleaning
chamber is soiled or the cleaning
uid level is too low.
Clean the shaver thoroughly
before you continue shaving.
If necessary, clean and rell the
cleaning chamber (see chapter
‘Cleaning and maintenance’).
The shav-
er does not
work when I
press the on/off
The rechargeable battery is
Recharge the battery (see chapter
Specic types only: The travel
lock is activated.
Press the on/off button for 3
seconds to deactivate the travel
The shaving head holder is
soiled or damaged to such an
extent that the motor cannot
Clean the shaving head holder or
replace it (see chapters ‘Cleaning
and maintenance’ and ‘Replace-
The temperature of the shaver
is too high. In this case, the
shaver does not work.
Let the shaver cool down. As
soon as the temperature of the
shaver has dropped sufciently,
you can switch on the shaver
RQ1195 only:
The shaver is
not entirely
clean after
I clean it in
the Jet Clean
The cleaning uid in the clean-
ing chamber is soiled.
Empty and rinse the cleaning
chamber and rell it with new
cleaning uid.
The cleaning uid level is too
low. If the uid volume in the
cleaning chamber drops below
the minimum level during the
cleaning program, the program
aborts.The cleaning light and
the ‘cleaning chamber empty’
symbol ash at intervals and
the holder returns to its start-
ing position.
Rell the cleaning chamber with
cleaning uid to a level between
the two lines (see chapter ‘Clean-
ing and maintenance’).