Electric shaver
Easy grip for optimal handling
This ergonomically designed grip enables easy handling
for a comfortable shave.
Replacement heads
For maximum performance replace your shaving
heads every two years with HQ55.
Pop-up trimmer
Full width, pop-up trimmer is perfect for grooming
sideburns and moustache.
Dynamic Contour Response
Automatically adjusts to every curve of your face and
neck for a smoother shave
Patented Super Lift&Cut Action
The dual blade system built into our electric shaver
lifts hairs to cut comfortably below skin level for a
closer shave.
StaySharp steel
The blades sharpen themselves with each use to
ensure a clean, close shave every time.
Shaving Performance
• Shaving System: Super Lift & Cut technology
• Contour-following: Reflex Actio
n system, Individual
floating heads
Ease of use
• Charging: Corded
• Maintenance: Cleaning brush, Protection cap
Issue date 2011-10-13
Version: 2.0.1
12 NC: 0000 000 00000
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