2.3.1 LAN Settings
The LAN Settings allow you to specify a private IP address for your router’s LAN ports as well as
a subnet mask for your LAN segment. You also can enable the DHCP server to let the router
manage private IP addresses for you automatically.
Parameters Default Description
IP address This is the router’s LAN port IP address (Your
LAN clients default gateway IP address)
Subnet Mask The Subnet Mask for your LAN segment is fixed
DHCP Server
Enabled You can enable or disable the DHCP server. By
enabling the DHCP server the router will
automatically give your LAN clients an IP
address. If the DHCP is not enabled then you’ll
have to manually set your LAN client’s IP
addresses; make sure the LAN Client is in the
same subnet as this broadband router if you
want the router to be your LAN client’s default