● The Explore what you can do topic provides more information
about the practical and creative things you can do with the
HP Photosmart Software and the HP All-in-One.
● If you need further assistance or want to check for HP software
updates, see the Troubleshooting and support topic.
HP Photosmart Mac Help (Mac)
● The How Do I? topic provides access to animated videos that
show you how to perform common tasks.
● The Get Started topic provides information about importing,
modifying, and sharing your images.
● The Use Help topic provides information about finding
information in the onscreen Help.
The Readme file contains the most recent information which might
not be found in other publications.
Install the software to access the Readme file.
www.hp.com/support If you have Internet access, you can get help and support from the
HP website. This website offers technical support, drivers, supplies,
and ordering information.
Chapter 2
HP Deskjet F300 All-in-One series
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