Using paper
Choosing the correct paper type for your needs is an essential step in ensuring good print quality.
For best printing results, use only recommended papers (see
Supported paper types), whose
reliability and performance have been developed and thoroughly tested. All printing components
(printer, ink system, and paper) have been designed to work together to give trouble-free
performance and optimal print quality.
Here are some further tips about paper usage:
Always keep unused rolls wrapped in the plastic wrap to prevent discoloration. Rewrap partially
used rolls if they are not being used.
Do not stack rolls.
Allow all paper types to adapt to room conditions out of the packaging for 24 hours before
Handle film and glossy paper by the edges or wear cotton gloves. Skin oils can be transferred to
the printing material, leaving fingerprint marks.
Keep the paper tightly wound on the roll throughout the loading and unloading procedures. If it
starts to unwind, it can become difficult to handle.
Whenever you load a roll or a sheet, the front panel prompts you to specify the paper type you
are loading. For good print quality, it is essential to specify this correctly. If paper is already
loaded, you can check the paper type at the front panel by highlighting the
or icon.
The quality of some images may be reduced if you use a paper type that is unsuitable for your
Make sure the appropriate print quality setting (Fast, Normal, or Best) is selected. You can set
the print quality from the driver, from the Embedded Web Server, or from the front panel. Driver
or Embedded Web Server settings override front panel settings. The combination of paper type
and print quality settings tells the printer how to place the ink on the paper—for example, the ink
density, halftoning method, and number of passes of the printheads. See
Choose print quality
Although the ink systems supplied with this printer have good light-fastness, colors will
eventually fade or change if exposed to sunlight over a long period of time.
Supported paper types
The following tables list the HP paper types that are suitable for use with your printer, and show the
name that you should select in the front panel when loading each paper type. The “recommended”
paper types, listed first, have been thoroughly tested and are known to provide the best print quality
when used with your printer. The “other supported” paper types can be used with your printer but are
not guaranteed to provide the best print quality. For the part numbers, widths, and weights of these
papers, see
Ordering paper.
NOTE This list is likely to change over the course of time. For the latest information, see
Table 27-1 Recommended paper types
Product name Front panel name
HP Bright White Inkjet Bond Paper Bright White
Max Speed Bright White
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