The scanner displays a warning message
The scanner may recommend performing maintenance in some circumstances:
Scanner Maintenance has not been run for 30 days.
Lamp quality fails. The filter should be replaced at the same time.
Glass plate quality fails.
Original background quality fails.
If you see any of these warnings displayed, consult the scanner's online guide for information on
recommended maintenance procedures.
The scanner software is in the wrong language
If your scanner software is in the wrong language for any reason, you can easily change the
language as follows:
1. In the Setup tab, press the Options button.
2. Press the System button.
3. Press the Advanced button and give the administrator’s password.
4. Press the Change Language button.
5. Select your preferred language.
You will now have to wait a short time while the system shuts down and restarts.
The scanner software does not start
If your scanner system software does not start up when you turn on the touch screen, trying turning it
off and then on again.
If it persistently fails to start up, you may need to reinstall the software, using the ’System Recovery’
DVD that came with your scanner system.
1. With the system on, insert the System Recovery DVD in the DVD drive.
2. Power off the touch screen and then power it on again.
3. Follow the instructions on the screen.
4. When the software has been reinstalled, you will be prompted to remove the DVD and restart
the touch screen.
5. When the touch screen restarts, it will ask you to calibrate the position of the pointer. Please do
so by touching the targets that will appear three times. To obtain a good and consistent
calibration, you should be standing in your normal position and using whatever pointer you
normally use to operate the touch screen (your finger, or some other object).
6. After touching the three targets, you will be asked to touch any part of the touch screen. If you
are happy with the result of the calibration, press the Yes button. If you are prompted to restart
the system, press No.
ENWW The scanner displays a warning message 283
The problem is...
(scanner topics) [4500]