material restrictions 237
Material Safety Data Sheet
(MSDS) 238
custom-size, Macintosh
settings 62
first page 62
pages per sheet 63
Show Me How menu 16
supported sizes 77
features 4
included 3, 60
insufficient 169, 176
part numbers 221
permanent storage error
messages 172
supply errors 168
memory DIMMs
security 140
Menu button 12
menu map
description 19
configure device 21
diagnostics 42
hierarchy 15
I/O (input/output) 34
information 19
paper handling 20
printing 21
resets 41
retrieve job 17
system setup 27
menus, control panel
I/O 34
locking 139
Service 44
Show Me How 16
mercury-free product 237
alphabetical list 168
e-mail alerts 61
numerical list 168
types of 167
models, features 3
monthly duty cycle 4
multiple pages per sheet
Windows 116
n-up printing
Windows 116
Netscape Navigator, versions
embedded Web server 134
password, changing 70
password, setting 70
settings, changing 70
settings, viewing 70
Networking tab, embedded Web
server 136
AppleTalk 73
configuring 68
connectivity features 5
default gateway 71
device discovery 68
diagnostics 38
disabling protocols 73
HP Web Jetadmin 137
installing EIO cards 152
IP address 69, 71, 72
link speed settings 40
Macintosh settings 60
print servers included 3
protocols 34
protocols supported 68
security 34, 69
settings 34
subnet mask 71
Neutral Grays 123
non-HP supplies 141
notes 2
NVRAM errors 172
on/off switch, locating 7
online support 230
operating environment
specifications 232
operating systems supported 46,
part numbers for 221
supplies and accessories 220
supplies through embedded
Web server 136
paper, while loading 83
setting, Windows 116
output bin
jams 192
locating 7
output bins
capacities 5
output quality
troubleshooting 206
page order, changing 119
blank 210
not printing 210
printing slowly 210
pages per minute 4
pages per sheet
Windows 116
covers, using different
paper 115
custom size,
custom sizes 79
custom-size, Macintosh
settings 62
first and last pages, using
different paper 115
first page 62
load 88
loading orientation 83
loading Tray 3 94, 96
pages per sheet 63
Show Me How menu 16
size, selecting 115
supported sizes 77
supported types 80
type, selecting 115
paper handling menu 20
paper jams
clearing 187
paper, ordering 220
part numbers
hard disks 221
memory 221
print cartridges 221
pausing a print request 114
PCL drivers
universal 48
246 Index ENWW