Company confidential. Pelican User’s Guide, Ed 1, Final Freeze Status: frozen
This is the cyan on page I-4 (seq: 178)
This is the black on page I-4 (seq: 178)
safety, MSDS, 10-12
safety specifications, 10-6
self test. See color cartridge test
serial. See interface, serial
service station, 1-10
setting up
checklist, 1-3
fast track (quick setup), 1-2
full instructions, 1-3–1-26
Setup Sheet, 1-14–1-17, 1-19–1-24
defaults, 1-22
how to print, 5-2
items in, 1-22
sample, 1-21
shadows of color, 9-14
loading, 2-9–2-13
loading, with roll-feed option
installed, 2-26
specifying, 2-7
unloading, 2-28
unloading at end of plot, 2-28
sheet media, orientation, 2-9, 2-10
sheet sizes supported, 10-3
signal specifications, 10-8
SIMM, slots, 6-7
Size, item in Setup Sheet, 3-5
size, plotter, 10-4
sizes of media supported, 10-3
slots, for SIMMs, 6-7–6-8
slow plotting, 9-17
smears, 9-16
software, 1-24
supplied, 1-4
Software Application Notes, 10-15
Software/Hardware Guide, 10-15
sound levels, 10-4
space around plotter, 1-8
specifications, 10-2–10-8
acoustic, 10-4
ecological, 10-5
electromagnetic, 10-6
EMC, 10-6
environmental, 10-5
functional, 10-2, 10-3
interface, 10-8–10-11
physical, 10-4
power, 10-4
safety, 10-6
speed problems, 9-17
spindle, removing, 2-17–2-20
spindle assembly, part numbers,
stand. See roll-feed and legs
Sun, cables to connect, 10-11
supplies. See accessories
support, 9-18–9-20
Support services documentation,
temperature, 10-5
termination of files, 1-22
testing the plotter, 5-3–5-10, 9-3
throughput. See duty cycle
translucent, 10-2
trimming an uneven roll, 2-25
troubleshooting, 9-1
front-panel lights, 8-2
media handling, 9-4
media jam, 9-5–9-8
media loading, 9-4
miscellaneous problems, 9-17–9-18
plot content, 9-9–9-12
plot position, 9-9–9-12
print-quality problems, 9-12–9-17
procedure, 9-2–9-4
media, 2-27–2-32
plot from roll, 2-29–2-32
sheet, 2-28
color, 6-5–6-12
memory, 6-4
network, 6-5
roll-feed and legs, 10-17
vellum, 10-2
warped lines, 9-14
weights, 10-4
Windows applications, 1-24
driver, 10-16
workstation, cables to connect, 10-11
Localization Note. F: Remove index references to Software Application Notes and
Software/Hardware Guide.