Programme Guide...
To save on energy...
● Always try to run the dishwasher fully
● Do not wash the dishes in running
● Use the washing programme that is
most appropriate for each type of load.
To cut down on detergent consumption...
The phosphates contained in dishwasher
detergents are harmful to the environment.
To avoid using excessive amounts of
detergent and to save electricity, observe
the following:
● Separate the more delicate items from
dishes that are more resistant to
aggressive detergents and high
● Do not pour the detergent directly onto
the dishes.
Removing the dishes:
At the end of the washing programme, wait
at least 20 minutes before removing the
dishes, to allow them to cool down.
To prevent any water droplets on the upper
basket from dripping onto the dishes in the
lower basket, it is advisable to unload the
lower basket first - and the remove the
upper basket.