Plasma Television “MAIN POWER” switch
This power switch is for the complete system, and must be turned ON/OFF manually. It is recommended to leave the “MAIN
POWER” to ON condition (lights red) for stand-by mode.
POWER light indicator
To turn the monitor ON, press the main power switch located on the lower right side of the monitor. A red stand-by indicator lamp
located on the lower right corner of the front bezel will illuminate. The Display Monitor is now ready for remote on/off operation.
Point your remote at this area when selecting channels, adjusting volume, etc.
Indicating lamp
Power status Operating
Off Off
When the main power switch is set
to OFF.
Lights red
When the main power switch is
ON, and the POWER button on the
remote control or the SUB POWER
button on the underside of the
front of the frame is OFF.
Lights green On
When the main power switch is
ON, and the POWER button on the
remote control or the SUB POWER
button on the underside of the
front of the frame is ON.
Lights orange
(Power Save)
When the main power switch is
ON, and the POWER button on the
remote control or the SUB POWER
button on the underside of the
front of the frame is ON.
However, the status will be in
POWER SAVE mode when in RGB1
or RGB2 input.
NOTES: 1. Your HITACHI Plasma Television will appear to be turned OFF (lights orange) if there is no video input when RGB1
or RGB2 is selected. Check the Power Light to make sure the Plasma Television is turned off or in Stand-by
mode (lights red) when not in use.
2. Remote Control can not turn ON/OFF the “MAIN POWER” of the Plasma Television.