Shop Fox
Classic Fence -9-
Figure 6. Extension table.
Extension Table
An extension table should be mounted between
the fence extension rails to provide workpiece
support. The extension table width should be
sized to fit in the gap between the rails. The
length of the table extension can be set so the
table replaces the existing right wing of the saw
(if your saw is so equipped) or can be used in
conjunction with the existing wing.
Constructing the extension table
1. Construct the extension table as shown
in Figure 6 using a frame with a separate
top or a solid table can be made from
countertop materials with a 3⁄4" to 1" thick
particle board surfaced with a Melamine
type of material.
Figure 7. Extension rails and table assembly.
2. When installing the extension table, be sure
it is flush with the table saw top by placing
a long straightedge across both tables and
adjusting the extension until it is even along
the length of the straightedge. Figure 7
shows a typical installation.