BOTH Lines of LCD
Message Cause Solution
CANCEL=Abort Appears when the Pause/ Press the Pause/Resume
RESUME=Continue Resume button is pressed button to return the printer
any time while the printer to its Ready mode or, if
is powered ON. Also printing, to continue
appears when the On/ operation. Press the
Cancel button is pressed On/Cancel button to abort
during a print job. the current print job and
completely clear the
printers memory.
CANCEL=Abort Appears when the Press the Pause/Resume
RESUME=Reprint On/Cancel button is button to continue printing
pressed after an error the current print job where it
has occurred. left off, once the error is
cleared. Press the On/Cancel
button to abort the current
print job and completely
clear the printers memory.
Delete Key Data? Appears when you are Press the printers
RESUME=Delete trying to delete a Pause/Resume button to
SmartGuard Access Card. complete the deletion
Appears only if you are process. If you decide not to
using the SmartGuard delete the card, press the
Security Feature. printers On/Cancel button.
DRAM Memory Bad! The printers 4 MB or 16 MB Disconnect printers power,
Service Required memory module is bad or remove the printers back
not installed properly. cover, and check that the
memory module is seated
properly in its socket. If it is
and this error message still
appears, replace memory or
call for technical assistance.
Section 9: Troubleshooting 75
Pro-L Card Printer Users Manual
proL.qxd 8/6/2000 3:30 PM Page 75