24 Managing Color With Profiles
You see this window:
3. Select
U.S. Prepress Defaults or North America Prepress 2 from the
Settings menu to set Adobe RGB (1998) as the color space. Click OK.
4. Open the photo you want to print.
If you see an Embedded Profile Mismatch message, select
Use the
embedded profile
and click OK.
If you see a Missing Profile message, select
Assign working RGB: Adobe
RGB (1998)
and click OK.
5. When your image appears, evaluate the color balance and contrast. If they
need improvement, select
Image > Mode > Assign Profile or Edit > Assign
. Then select one of the following as the Profile setting:
■ A different RGB working space (or Profile), such as ColorMatch RGB or
sRGB IEC61966-2.1
■ A scanner profile for your scanner
■ A camera profile for your digital camera
Click the
Preview box to see the effects of your profile choice on the screen.
6. Select
Page Setup from the File menu, select your page settings, and click