96 Index
FCC compliance statement, 91
Filter, see Air filter
Focusing image, 21
Freeze button, 28
Game color mode, 30, 46
HDTV images, video formats, 85
Height of image, adjusting, 20
Help, 76 to 77
Help system, using, 66
Help, Epson, 8
High altitude, 56, 83
adjusting, 20 to 23, 46 to 47
blurry, 73
capturing and saving in projector, 53 to 54
correcting shape, 21 to 22, 49, 72
fitting on screen, 48, 71 to 72
height, adjusting, 20
problems with, 70 to 74
projecting on chalkboard, 30
raising, 20
selecting source, 17, 27, 37 to 40
size and projection distance, 14, 81
turning off (using A/V Mute), 28
zooming, 21, 29
Image menu, 46 to 48
Info menu, 69
Input signal, selecting, 17, 27, 37 to 40
Installing projector, 79 to 80
Kensington anti-theft device, 11, 15
Keystone correction, 21 to 22, 49, 72, 81
number of hours used, 69
ordering, 11
replacing, 60 to 63
specifications, 82
status light, 67 to 68
Lamp timer, resetting, 63
Language setting, 56, 66
Laptop computer
connecting to, 34 to 35
display problems, 18 to 19, 70 to 71
selecting source, 17, 27
Lens, cleaning, 58
Lights, status, 67 to 68
Logo, saving on projector, 53 to 55
display problems, 71
resolution setting, 72
Manuals, 8
changing settings, 44 to 45
default settings, restoring, 45
Image, 46 to 48
Info, 69
Signal, 47 to 49
User’s Logo, 53 to 54
compatibility, 81
connecting cable for remote, 35 to 36
using remote control as, 31
New Hardware Wizard, 17
No Signal message, 18, 70 to 71
Noise level, 81
Not Supported message, 71
Numeric keypad, using, 51