Command Reference Manual
3-19 &K - Flow Control
This command defines the DTE/DCE (terminal/modem) flow control mechanism. The parameter value, if valid, is written to
S39 bits 0, 1, and 2.
Defined Values
<value> Decimal number corresponding to the selected option.
0 Disables flow control.
3 Enables RTS/CTS flow control. (Default for data modem modes.)
4 Enables XON/XOFF flow control.
5 Enables transparent XON/XOFF flow control.
Upon reset, both RTS/CTS and XON/XOFF flow control is enabled for fax modem and voice modes.
Result Codes
OK <value> = 0, 3, 4, or 5.
ERROR Otherwise. &M - Asynchronous/Synchronous Mode Selection
This command determines the DTR operating mode. The modem treats the &M command as a subset of the &Q command.
Defined Values
<value> Decimal number corresponding to the selected option.
0 Selects direct asynchronous operation. The command sequence &M0\N0 selects
normal buffered mode, but the command sequence \N0&M0 selects direct mode.
This is because the \N0 command is analogous to the &Q6 command. The value
000b is written to S27 bits 3, 1, and 0, respectively. (See &Q).
1 Selects synchronous connect mode with async off-line command mode. The value
001b is written to S27 bits 3, 1, and 0, respectively. (Serial interface operation
only.) (SmartACF and SmartACFL only.)
2 Selects synchronous connect mode with async off-line command mode. Same as
&M1 except that &M2 enables DTR dialing of directory slot 0. The modem will
disconnect if DTR is OFF for more than the period in S25 (in units of hundredths of
a second): the data connection will be synchronous. The value 010b is written to
S27 bits 3, 1, and 0, respectively. (Serial interface operation only.) (SmartACF and
SmartACFL only.)
3 Selects synchronous connect mode. This mode allows DTR to act as a talk/data
switch. The call is manually initiated while DTR is inactive. When DTR becomes
active, the handshake proceeds in originate or answer mode according to S14 bit
7. The value 011b is written to S27 bits 3, 1, and 0, respectively. (Serial interface
operation only.) (SmartACF and SmartACFL only.)
Result Codes
OK <value> = 0 to 3 (SmartACF and SmartACFL)
OK <value> = 0 (SmartSCM)
ERROR Otherwise.