User Manual
MAN10239-01 22
Setup Parameter Values Description
X24E AGM, IBM 2390,
OLI. PR40+, OLI. PR2*,
OLI. PR2845, IBM 4722, IBM
9068, HPR 4915
Defines the printer protocol.
NOTE: For the IBM 4722 and 9068 protocols, if
the software driver uses the controlled link of
the IBM financial driver, set the IBM FINANCIAL
item in the Configuration Menu.
The default value is EPSON 570 for Program1,
IBM X24E for Program 3, OLI. Pr2 for Program
2 and 4.
FONT Draft*, Courier, OCR-B,
Gothic, Prestige, Present,
OCR-A, Script, Boldface
Selects the font.
QUALITY MODE LQ*, NLQ Select the level of quality font.
DRAFT MODE DRAFT*, HSD, VHSD Select the level of draft font.
DOWNLINE LOADING disabled, enabled* Disable or enable the font downloading
HORIZONTAL PITCH 10 cpi*, 12 cpi, 15 cpi,
16.6 cpi, 17.1 cpi, 20 cpi
Selects the character spacing in characters per
inch (cpi).
VERTICAL PITCH 5 lpi, 6 lpi*, 8 lpi Selects the line spacing in lines per inch (lpi).
LOCK no lock*, font, hor. pitch,
The following selections made in the printer setup
may be locked: font, horizontal pitch (hor.pitch), or
both the font and horizontal pitch (font+hor. pitch).
The locked settings cannot be changed via
software commands.
FORM LENGTH # lines, A4*, letter, A5, legal Sets the page length in number of lines or
standard formats A4, Letter, A5 or Legal. If you
select # lines, you must indicate the number of
lines you want to set in the scheme below this
selection. The values range between 0 and 255.
To set the values combine the numbers
considering that the first line corresponds to the
hundreds, the second line to the tens and the third
line to the units. See the example below.
How to set the form length to 82 lines:
█ #lines ( )A4 ( )Letter ( )A5 ( )Legal
100x ( )0 ( )1 ( )2
10x ( )0 ( )1 ( )2 ( )3 ( )4 ( )5 ( )6 ( )7 █ 8 ( )9
1x ( )0 ( )1 █ 2 ( )3 ( )4 ( )5 ( )6 ( )7 ( )8 ( )9
Setup Parameter Values Description
1 x
Sets the left margin in number of columns. The values range
between 0 and 90. To set the values combine the numbers
considering that the first line corresponds to the tens, the
second line to the units. See the example below.