ESC = Defines downloaded characters. (IBM) 38
ESC = Sets MSB to 0. (EPSON) 44
ESC > Sets MSB to 1. (EPSON) 44
ESC 0 Sets vertical spacing to 1/8 inch (IBM/EPSON). 10
ESC 1 Sets vertical spacing to 7/72 inch. (IBM) 10
ESC 2 Sets the vertical spacing to 1/6 inch. (EPSON) 10
ESC 2 Enables the vertical spacing set by ESC A. (IBM) 10
ESC 3 Sets vertical spacing to n/180 inch. (IBM XL24 AGM, EPSON) 11
ESC 3 Sets vertical spacing to n/216 inch. (IBM XL24, 2391 +) 11
ESC 4 Sets the current position as top of form (first printable line). (IBM) 11
ESC 4 Sets italics printing mode. (EPSON) 25
ESC 5 Sets an automatic line feed after a carriage return. (IBM) 7
ESC 5 Cancels italics printing. (EPSON) 25
ESC 6 Selects the Character Set 2 (IBM). 33
ESC 6 Enable Printable Code Area Expansion (EPSON) 33
ESC 7 Selects the Character Set 1 (IBM). 33
ESC 7 Cancel Printable Code Area Expansion (EPSON) 33
ESC A Sets variable vertical spacing to n/60 inch. (IBM XL24 AGM, EPSON) 11
ESC A Sets variable vertical spacing to n/72 inch. (IBM XL24, 2391 +) 11
ESC a Sets Letter Quality justification printing. (EPSON) 26
ESC B Sets vertical tab stops (IBM/EPSON). 12
ESC b Sets vertical tab stops in one of the 8 Vertical Format Unit channels available.
ESC B NUL Resets vertical tab stops (IBM/EPSON). 12
ESC b NUL Resets vertical tab stops in one of the 8 Vertical Format Unit channels available.
ESC c Resets to initial state (RIS) (ANSI). 80
ESCC0n Sets form length to n inches (IBM/EPSON). 13
ESC C n Sets form length to n lines (IBM/EPSON). 13
ESC D Sets horizontal tab stops (IBM/EPSON). 13
ESC d Spaces forwards relative dot position. (IBM) 14
ESC D or IND Index (ANSI). 74
ESC e Spaces backward relative dot position. (IBM) 14
ESC E Sets emphasized printing (IBM/EPSON). 26
ESC E or NEL Next line (ANSI). 74
ESC F Cancels emphasized printing (IBM/EPSON). 26
ESC G Sets double strike printing (IBM/EPSON). 26
ESC g Sets 15 CPI. (EPSON) 27
ESC H Cancels double strike printing (IBM/EPSON). 27
ESC H or HTS Horizontal tab setting (ANSI). 74
ESC I Selects printing type for resident and DLL characters. (IBM) 27
ESC J Advances paper n/180 inch. (EPSON and IBMXL24AGM) Advances paper n/216 inch.
(IBMXL24 and 2391)
ESC j Stops printing. (IBM) 47
ESC J or VTS Vertical tab setting (ANSI). 77
ESC k Selects the LQ fonts. (EPSON) 34
ESC K Normal density dot graphics printing (60 dpi) (IBM/EPSON). 40
ESC k Prints test character (PTC) (ANSI). 80
ESC K or PLD Partial line down (ANSI). 75
ESC I Sets left margin. (EPSON) 14
ESC L Double density dot graphics printing (120 dpi) (IBM/EPSON). 41
ESC L or PLU Partial line up (ANSI). 75
ESC M Selects 10.5 point. 12 CPI. (EPSON) 27
ESC M or RI Reverse index (ANSI). 75
ESC N Sets the skipover perforation to n lines (IBM/EPSON). 15
ESC O Disables the skipover perforation (IBM/EPSON). 16
Chapter 1. Command Summary in Alphabetical Order 3