10/100 16-Port VPN Router
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Welcome 1
What’s in this Guide? 2
Chapter 2: Networking Basics 4
An Introduction to LANs 4
The Use of IP Addresses 4
Why do I need a VPN? 5
What is a VPN? 6
Chapter 3: Getting to Know the Router 8
The Front Panel 8
The Back Panel 10
Chapter 4: Connecting the Router 11
Overview 11
Connection Instructions 12
Chapter 5: Configuring the PCs 13
Overview 13
Configuring Windows 98 and Millennium PCs 13
Configuring Windows 2000 PCs 14
Configuring Windows XP PCs 14
Chapter 6: Setting up and Configuring the Router 16
Overview 16
How to Access the Web-based Utility 19
System Summary Tab 19
Setup Tab - Network 22
Setup Tab - Password 25
Setup Tab - Time 25
Setup Tab - DMZ Host 26
Setup Tab - Forwarding 26
Setup Tab - UPnP 28
Setup Tab - One-to-One NAT 29
Setup Tab - MAC Clone 30
Setup Tab - DDNS 31