impoRtANt iNfoRmAtioN
CHEVROLET OWNER CENTER (MY.CHEVROLET.COM) Everything you need to know.
Anything you need to do. Your Chevrolet Owner Center makes it easy. Create your
account today to get the most out of your new vehicle. Get special alerts and offers,
schedule service, review your maintenance schedule, and view how-to videos
specifically for your vehicle. All online, anytime. Visit the Owner Center today to register
or take a tour.
CHEVROLET COMPLETE CARE Every new 2015 Chevrolet Suburban comes with
2 years/24,000 miles of scheduled maintenance that includes oil and filter changes,
tire rotations and multipoint vehicle inspections. Covers only scheduled oil changes
with filter and tire rotations according to your new vehicle’s recommended maintenance
schedule for up to 2 years or 24,000 miles, whichever comes first. Does not include air
filters. Maximum of four service events. See participating dealer for other restrictions
and complete details.
ENGINES Chevrolet products are equipped with engines produced by GM Powertrain
or other suppliers to GM worldwide. The engines in Chevrolet products may also be
used in other GM makes and models.
ASSEMBLY Chevrolet vehicles and their components are assembled or produced
by different operating units of General Motors, its subsidiaries or suppliers to GM
worldwide. We sometimes find it necessary to produce Chevrolet vehicles with
different or differently sourced components than originally scheduled. Since
some options may be unavailable when your vehicle is assembled, we suggest you
verify that your vehicle includes the equipment you ordered and that, if there were
changes, they are acceptable to you.
ONSTAR OnStar services require vehicle electrical system (including battery),
wireless service and GPS satellite signals to be available and operating for features
to function properly. OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers.
Subscription Service Agreement required. Call 1-888-4ONSTAR (1-888-466-7827)
or visit onstar.com for OnStar Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, details and
system limitations.
A NOTE ON CHILD SAFETY Always use safety belts and the correct restraint for your
child’s age and size. Even in vehicles equipped with the Passenger Sensing System,
children are safer when properly secured in a rear seat in the appropriate infant, child
or booster seat. Never place a rear-facing infant restraint in the front seat of any vehicle
equipped with a passenger air bag. See the Owner’s Manual and child safety seat
instructions for more safety information.
IMPORTANT WORDS ABOUT THIS CATALOG We have tried to make this catalog
comprehensive and factual. We reserve the right, however, to make changes at any
time, without notice, in prices, colors, materials, equipment, specifications, models and
availability. Specifications, dimensions, measurements, ratings and other numbers
in this catalog and other printed materials provided at the dealership or affixed to
vehicles are approximations based on design and engineering drawings, prototypes
and laboratory tests. Your vehicle may differ due to variations in manufacture and
equipment. Since some information may have been updated since the time of printing,
please check with your Chevrolet dealer for complete details. Chevrolet reserves
the right to lengthen or shorten the model year for any product for any reason or to
start and end model years at different times. Certain vehicle features may lose their
usefulness over time due to obsolescence from technological changes. Unless otherwise
noted, all claims based on GM Large Utility segment and latest available competitive
information. Excludes other GM vehicles.
FLEET ORDERS Some standard content may be deleted on fleet orders.
See dealer for details.
CHEVROLET OWNERSHIP EXPERIENCE Chevrolet is committed to enhancing the
vehicle shopping and ownership experience through a wide array of programs. Visit
chevrolet.com to build and price, find a vehicle, request a quote, compare vehicles,
find financial tools or track your vehicle order. You’ll also find information about
24-hour Roadside Assistance, Courtesy Transportation, Customer Assistance,
GM Mobility, safety and current incentives.
CHEVROLET.COM/SAFETY Chevrolet is committed to keeping you and your family
safe — from the start of your journey to your destination. That’s why every Chevrolet
is designed with a comprehensive list of safety and security features to help give you
peace of mind.
GMMOBILITY.COM (1-800-323-9935) GM Mobility℠ offers financial assistance for
eligible adaptive equipment to make automotive travel easier for persons with
disabilities or special transportation needs. To learn more about special GM Mobility
offers, visit gmmobility.com.
THE BUYPOWER CARD The Chevrolet BuyPower Card — Every purchase you make with
the BuyPower Card from Capital One * helps you earn toward an eligible new Chevrolet,
Buick, GMC or Cadillac vehicle. There’s no limit on the amount you can earn or redeem,
and your Earnings don’t expire. Visit chevroletbuypowercard.com/catalogs.
* Capital One, N.A. is the issuer of the BuyPower Card. General Motors (“GM”) is responsible for the operation and
administration of the Earnings program.
GM, the GM logo, Chevrolet, the
Chevrolet logo, and the slogans,
emblems, vehicle model names,
vehicle body designs and other marks
appearing in this catalog are the
trademarks and/or service marks
of General Motors, its subsidiaries,
affiliates or licensors. ©2014 OnStar.
All rights reserved. SiriusXM and all
related marks and logos are trademarks
of Sirius XM Radio Inc. The Bluetooth
word mark is a registered trademark
owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc., and any
use of such mark by Chevrolet is under
license. Bose and Centerpoint are
registered trademarks of the Bose Corp.
Blu-ray is a registered trademark of the
Blu-ray Disc Association.
©2014 General Motors. All rights
reserved. April 2014