AvAilABle pUSh-BUttoN StARt. As long
as the key fob is in your pocket or purse, or
anywhere inside the Suburban, you can start
the engine with the push of a button. You can
also use the OnStar RemoteLink® mobile app
to remotely start your Suburban.
8-iNCh diAgoNAl ColoR toUCh-SCReeN.
Available Chevrolet MyLink
lets you arrange
icons and features on the 8-inch diagonal
color touch-screen. Touch and swipe on the
screen just like you do on your smartphone
or tablet.
1 Available on select Apple, Android, BlackBerry and Windows
devices. Services vary by device, vehicle and conditions.
Requires active OnStar subscription, which is standard for six
months. 2 Full functionality requires compatible Bluetooth and
smartphone, and USB connectivity for some devices.
teChNology At
yoUR fiNgeRtipS.