Information Displays
Press the Leaf button on the center
stack and then touch the desired tab at
the bottom of the screen to display
Power Flow, Charging and Energy
Power Flow
The Power Flow screens show the current
system operating condition, including
Battery Power (Active), Battery Power
(Stationary), Regen Power Recovery, and
Power Off. Each component is highlighted
when it is active.
The Charging screens show the charge
mode status. The three programmable
charge modes are:
• Immediately upon plug-in
• Delayed based on Departure Time
• Delayed based on electric Rate and
Departure Time
Energy Information
The Energy Information screens show how
energy is being used since the last full
charge, energy use over the last 5 miles
or 50 miles, and energy tips to improve
energy use and increase economy.
See Instruments and Controls in your Owner Manual.