tongue weight of the towed vehicle that can be carried by this motorhome. (NCC can be
determined by subtracting the UVW from the GVWR.)
It's important to look at the definition of each term, particularly the UVW and NCC. Note
that UVW is defined as leaving the factory with full fuel, oil and coolants. The NCC
represents how much "stuff," including fresh water, the motorhome can carry.
The UVW does not include the weight of any dealer-installed accessories, which means the
buyer must deduct the weight of these accessories from the NCC.
Keep in mind that NCC is the total carrying capacity. However, the distribution of the
weight plays a role. So, it may not be possible to load a motorhome to its NCC without
exceeding an axle or tire rating. Weighing your motorhome by individual wheel position
after you have loaded it is the only way to be certain that you are not exceeding any
In September 2000, the RVIA modified the label to provide more detail for the
buyer/owner. The term NCC is no longer used. Two new terms are found on the label,
along with their associated weights:
SCWR (sleeping capacity weight rating): the manufacturer’s designated number of sleeping
positions multiplied by 154 pounds (70 kilograms).
CCC (cargo carrying capacity): the GVWR minus each of the following: UVW, full fresh
(potable) water weight (including water heater), full LP-gas weight, and SCWR.
This new label permits the buyer/owner to determine the carrying capacity (CCC) based on
a personal calculation of actual passengers carried, the amount of fresh water on board, and
the amount of LP-gas carried.
Use the RVIA label as a guide to narrow your selection of vehicles, but keep in mind its
This information was provided by A'Weigh We Go, a national weight safety program that is now a service
of the Recreation Vehicle Safety Education Foundation (RVSEF). The Foundation sponsors nine RV
safety programs and conducts educational seminars.
How to weigh your motorhome
The first time to weigh your motorhome is even before you finalize the purchase. That way
you can determine whether the vehicle will meet your needs in terms of carrying capacity.
Weigh before you pay
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