adjustment/maintenance information from a Forward Control Chassis manual for your
Class A motorhome. Some things are common, some things are not. The motorhome
chassis is basically a light-duty truck model and there are modern improvements that can be
made. These will be noted in the text in bold.
It is unfortunate that even GM's documentation varies in what it names these chassis. The
“P30” term is simply too generic to help when specifics are needed.
If the 5
thru 7
positions in your VIN number are “P37”, then you have the motorhome
version of the chassis. Actually, it is the '7' that tells us we have the motorhome version of
the chassis. (See Appendix C for the VIN breakdown.) To me it sounds logical to refer to
the chassis as a P37 based on this, but that is not a generally accepted chassis designation.
Note that since Workhorse (now International) took over the chassis business, their
reference for all models of this chassis prior to acquisition seems to be “P32”. Still incorrect
to help us.
But, not to get too far ahead of the process we will describe on the following pages.
Stay with it and I think you will come out satisfied in the end.