About This Publication
• Care must be taken during customer installation of equipment and wiring to ensure that all holes
drilled in the body are corrosion protected, properly sealed and that vehicle wiring harnesses,
piping or other components have not been displaced or damaged. Aftermarket equipment
installers must be mindful of applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. This information
can be obtained directly from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
• These vehicles are equipped with an air bag system. The air bag system in your police vehicle
may include optional side air bags. Customer installed equipment such as security barriers
behind the front seats should not be mounted so that the barrier ends are within the side air bag
deployment zones. The sensors and other components for the air bag system must not be
relocated to accommodate the installation of customer furnished equipment; please refer to
the service manual for sensor and other component locations. For information concerning
instrument panel top pad mounted equipment and air bag system deployment zones, see the
air bag Information section in this catalog.
• This catalog is not updated during the model year and should not be used for ordering purposes.
It is intended as a source of basic information. All illustrations and specifications in this literature
are based on the latest product information available at the time of publication. General Motors
reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice. For further details, consult your
local dealer.
• A note about vehicle alterations by independent suppliers: This catalog shows pictures of
vehicles that have been altered or upfitted with equipment or components supplied to Chevrolet
or its dealers by independent suppliers. Chevrolet is not responsible for the safety or quality of
design features, materials or workmanship of any alterations by any such supplier.